Eleven weeks...
photo credit: www.idophoto.com
Eleven weeks today Doug entered into the arms of Jesus. I came across a video someone had shared with me after Doug went to heaven. I couldn't remember why I had it because it wasn't a song I knew. So I hit play and it all came back. Emotions quickly took over and the tears just streamed down my face. The words are very true after seeing the suffering but the void left behind in our hearts and life here on earth is undesirable.
If You Could See Me Now
Our prayers have been answered
I finally arrived
The healing that had been delayed
Is now realized
No one's in a hurry
There's no schedule to keep
We're all enjoying Jesus
Just sitting at His feet
If you could see me now
I'm walking streets of gold
If you could see me now
I'm walking tall and whole
If you could see me now
You'd know I've seen His face
If you could see me now
You'd know the pain's erased
You wouldn't want me
to ever leave this place
If only you could see me now
My light and temporary trials
Have worked out for my good
To know it brought Him glory
When I misunderstood
Though we've had our sorrows
They can never compare
To what Jesus has in store for us
No language can compare
Don Moen