#GivingTuesday | Warby Parker

I love fashion...clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories. If you've ever seen my walk-in closet you would know. ;)

I especially like companies that have a pay it forward message. I have already posted about The Giving Keys.

I also love Warby Parker. Buying glasses/sunglasses should be a fun experience. You can pick out five frames online and try them on at home. They send them to you in a box and after five days you place the prepaid return label and send them back to Warby Parker. Order your new glasses online and in days they are delivered to you door.

These statistics are taken from the Warby Parker website, almost one billion people worldwide lack access to glasses, which means 15% of the world's population cannot effectively learn or work. To help this problem, for every pair of glasses sold a pair is distributed to someone in need.

Consider giving back to those who are less fortunate not just today..the day someone has called #GivingTuesday but every day. As one of my other favorites say...need has no season. #thesalvationarmy


We had #blackFriday, #shopSmall for Small Business Saturday, #cyberMonday and today #givingTuesday 

I donated to Stand Up 2 Cancer today ‪#‎su2c‬ in memory of my awesome, gorgeous, funny, amazing brother. He lost his battle with cancer in April 2014. He was 43 and died too young. He has left a void in our hearts and lives. I want a cure for this wretched disease that destroys lives! Let's make that happen and contribute to the cause to ‪#‎findacure‬ ‪#‎unselfie‬


If you would like to donate to this cause, follow this link SU2C.org/unselfie