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I have posted a photo every day for the last 36 days. I haven't always been good about putting them up on my blog. Sometimes there isn't really a story to write about. Sometimes I take a certain photo because I'm participating in a photo challenge, sometimes it's something I have seen or experienced.

Here is a collection of photos from the last week or so.

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Christmas Eve, I was in Atlanta doing a little project. It was a beautiful warm day in December. Unusual. But so lovely! As I was heading back to my car, I turned around and took a photo of Skyview Atlanta. Because it was so warm and it was Christmas Eve, families were taking the opportunity to be together, outside and enjoy the sights Atlanta has to offer.

I remember the year Doug died, my sister, Melissa came to visit us and we went on Skyview Atlanta. At times we were a little freaked out but then we started laughing asking, "What would Doug do?" He would have had that car swinging back and forth. He would be laughing with that infectious laugh of his and I would've been yelling at him to stop.

Good times. Special memories. Never forgotten. Always loved.

photo credit: lauradake

photo credit: lauradake

Page 2 of 365

I love photography and I'm snapping all the time but forget to post in this space of mine. I'm going to take on this challenge of taking a photo a day. Let's see how this goes. 

Today is our last day of vacation and I'm enjoying this moment where Luger is chill and relaxed! He has been a crazy wound up mess over this holiday so I'm grateful for this peaceful moment. 


photo credit: lauradake  

photo credit: lauradake