Two years?
Where has the time gone? Two years, how can that be?
There still isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. Sometimes it still doesn't feel real. The other day I was thinking about you and then reality hit me that I will never see you in the flesh again. You aren't just a phone call away.
The legacy of your life lives on through the people that love you. You were a living testimony and I talk about you to people and I share your testimony.
Tomorrow will be a day of mixed emotions. There will be sadness because we miss you so much. There is also rejoicing because two years ago you met Jesus. Face to face. What could be better than that?
April 8 is a significant day in the Dake house. We are bringing our German shepherd puppy, Luger home after two years of Osa has being gone. We will be together getting to know our pup and reminiscing about you. There was never a dull moment with you. We are better people because of having you in our lives so there will be tears and laughter.
I miss you Doug! I am so lucky to have had you as my brother. You were simply the best!
Photo credit: Digital Memories by Debbie Koehler