Choosing Grace
I'm reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts Devotional book. The subtitle says reflections on finding everyday graces.
“His secret purpose framed from the very beginning [is] to bring us to our full glory”
She talks about her sister, who died at a very young age. We often ask, how can God allow these terrible things to happen when he is a good God. Why do parents have to bury their children, why marriages implode, and dreams crushed. Where is grace when cancer gnaws and loneliness aches?
But from the beginning, that moment in the garden, God had a different purpose for return us to our full glory. I love when she says when we open the bible, His plans are there...right before our very eyes. "His love letter silences any doubts. He means to rename us." Why would he do that for us? We are unworthy!
“He means to heal our soul holes.”
Grace means "favor," from the Latin gratia. A free and ready favor. It's one thing to accept the grace offered at the cross but another to choose to live and accept His grace in our daily living. It's a choice.
It's only a few weeks into the new year and "grace" is a recurring theme. I was touched by this devotional.
It's hard to see that Doug's death could be Your plan for our lives. It makes no sense that a wife has to lose her husband and the hopes and dreams they had are shattered. Why parents have to pray to You to take their child because they can't stand to watch him suffer in excruciating pain. Why a sister, who loved her baby brother so much, has to become an only child. Why one of your children had to suffer that much. Then I realize how much your suffered for us...for me. Unworthy!
And yet you offer GRACE! People were touched by Doug's life and because of his testimony, lives were brought into relationship with you. In Doug's words, "it's all worth it." He isn't suffering anymore. He is healed. He lives with you! Isn't that what we all want?
Thank you that even in the hard days, you have it under control. Help me to have the faith and to accept the GRACE you want me to accept.